
6月3 - 7 & 2024年6月10日至14日

  • 夏令营的费用是200美元.  在我们收到您的申请和付款后, 我们将通过电子邮件通知您进一步的说明.
  • 赫尔迪纳的入学人数有限.
  • 夏令营开始前,申请者必须年满15岁.
  • 从8点开始.m. - 4:30 p.m. 营地的每一天, you'll get hands-on experience and classroom instruction in a variety of specialty occupations within the residential and commercial construction industry.
1802 32nd 法戈大街58103号
701.232.5846 – kristam@hbafm.com

请回答 the following, continuing on to the next three p年龄s, to complete your application:

在我完成营地之后, 我对在建筑行业工作的可能性很感兴趣.
赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营不以种族为基础进行歧视, color, 宗教, 信条, 年龄, 性, 国家的起源, 基因检测信息, 祖先, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 残疾, 军人或退伍军人身份, 情感或性取向, 关于公共援助的状况, participation in lawful conduct or any other characteristic protected under federal state or local law.

如果学生年满18岁, please read and sign the following statement: I agree to attend the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 at the 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院 in 学习 this summer. 我熟悉训练营的期望和要求. 我承认参加该营, 即使在良好的监督和管理下, 有可能对我造成身体伤害, 我同意承担所有风险. I understand that people registered for the Camp will be participating in construction-related activities and I consent to participation in this program. 我保证我没有任何健康问题或其他问题, and I am not aware of any other facts that I have not disclosed (including the use of any medications) that would affect my ability to safely participate in the camp. 我同意举办夏令营, Fargo-学习的住宅建筑商协会, Fargo-学习基金会的住宅建筑商关怀, AG亚游集团官方网站APP, 北达科他州立科学学院, 赫迪纳建筑贸易营咨询委员会和他们的代理人, 董事, 军官, 员工, 保险公司, 志愿者, and any others acting on their behalf or on behalf of the program (“Released Parties”) harmless and hereby release and discharge the Released Parties from any claims, 要求, 受伤, 疾病, 损害赔偿, causes of actions and legal liability whatsoever relating to my participation in the Camp due to the Released Parties’ ordinary negligence, 包括但不限于未能确定场地或设备的状况, 未能维护, 检查 or repair the premises or equipment or failure to warn of known or unknown dangerous conditions on the premises or equipment. 这包括任何和所有医疗责任, 事故, 或在参加夏令营期间可能产生的其他费用. I certify that I have health or other insurance in place to cover any and all of the medical expenses I might incur and assume full responsibility for all expenses not covered by my insurance. 我承认健康、意外或其他保险是我唯一的责任. I acknowledge that all 事故s are reported and that if there is an 事故 or illness in a classroom or laboratory, 可能会叫救护车把我送到当地的急诊室. All camp classrooms or laboratories are equipped with first aid kits for treatment of minor 受伤. I also grant permission to the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 to use my picture in any format promoting the Camp.

如果学生未满18岁, 家长或监护人必须阅读并签署以下声明, 作为上述学生的家长(或监护人), give permission for my child to attend the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 at 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院 in 学习. 我已经和我的孩子讨论过夏令营的期望和要求. I recognize that my child will be participating in construction-related activities and I consent to my child’s participation in this program. 我保证我的孩子没有任何疾病或其他疾病, and I am not aware of any other facts that I have not disclosed (including the use of any medications) that would affect my child’s ability to safely participate in the camp. 我同意代表我自己和我的孩子举办赫尔迪纳建筑贸易夏令营, Fargo-学习的住宅建筑商协会, Fargo-学习基金会的住宅建筑商关怀, AG亚游集团官方网站APP, 北达科他州立科学学院, 赫迪纳建筑贸易营咨询委员会和他们的代理人, 董事, 军官, 员工, 保险公司, and any 志愿者 and any others acting on their behalf or behalf of the program (“Released Parties”) harmless and hereby release and discharge the Released Parties from any claims, 要求, 受伤, 疾病, 损害赔偿, causes of actions and legal liability whatsoever relating to my participation in the Camp due to the Released Parties’ ordinary negligence, 包括但不限于未能确定场地或设备的状况, 未能维护, 检查, or repair the premises or equipment or failure to warn of known or unknown dangerous conditions on the premises or equipment. 这包括任何和所有医疗责任, 事故, 或我的未成年子女在参加夏令营期间可能产生的其他费用. I hereby certify that my child has health or other insurance in place to cover any and all medical expenses my child may incur, 并同意承担保险未报销的一切费用. 我承认健康、意外或其他保险是我的唯一责任. I acknowledge that all 事故s are reported and that if there is an 事故 or illness in a classroom or laboratory, 可能会叫救护车把我的孩子送到当地的急诊室. All Camp classrooms or laboratories are equipped with first aid kits for treatment of minor 受伤. 我也同意夏令营使用我孩子的照片,以任何形式宣传夏令营.


使用和/或拥有烟草制品, 酒精, drugs or drug paraphernalia while participating in the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 is illegal and forbidden. Suspected use or possession of any of the above products will be reported immediately and relayed to the parents. Confirmed use or possession of any of the above products will result in the student's dismissal from the Camp. 

出席是必须的. 指导员将每天点名. 错过两天以上夏令营的学生将无法获得他们的三个大学学分. 因病需要缺勤的, 家庭的功能, 紧急情况下, 缺少交通工具或教官认为合适的其他情况, 如果可能的话,建议在活动之前联系您的教练或F-M的HBA.

学生们需要准时到达,并为这一天做好准备 之前 上课时间开始.


The following will be used as a basic guide for handling specific problems that may occur during the Camp. 每个教练可能会制定额外的规则,但都会遵循这些基本准则. 附加规则将通知学生. 教师将对所有学生始终如一、公平地执行这些规则.

不听老师讲课, 在夏令营期间捣乱, 上课迟到, 没有穿合适的衣服, 恶意中伤, 参与有害的戏弄或欺凌, 使用辱骂或脏话或猥亵手势将受到纪律处分.

  1. 第一次出现:口头警告.
  2. 第二次发生或正在发生的行为:通知父母/监护人.
  3. 第三次出现或持续的行为:将被要求离开并且不再回来. 
  4. 对学校财产的损害, job site stealing or disrespect of another student's property: Student will be asked to immediately leave the program and could be subject to pay for 损害赔偿.
  5. Violence toward an instructor or student with intent to injure: Mandatory meeting with the Camp Director, 指导员和家长/监护人. 被要求离开这个项目.


作为赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营地孩子的家长/监护人, 我同意遵守以下规则和期望:

  1. 我要记住,年轻人参加夏令营是为了他们的快乐,而不是我的快乐.
  2. 我明白,教会孩子尊重他人,以及如何处理日常的挫折是我的职责.
  3. I will ensure my child is on time or will contact Camp Director Brooks Pederson or the HBA of F-M ahead of time if my child will be late or absent.
  4. 我会确保我孩子的衣服是合适的.

我明白任何违反本行为准则的行为都可能导致后果, 其中可能包括口头警告, 丧失获得奖励的资格(一).e., 大学学分, 奖学金或奖金)或被赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营开除.

  1. As a participant in the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营, I agree to follow the stated rules below. 我会体谅和尊重所有的学生、老师和志愿者.
  2. 我不会在教室或工作现场骂人或使用辱骂性语言.
  3. 我不喝酒, 烟, 咀嚼烟草, vape, 使用大麻或任何其他非法物质.
  4. 我将尊重所有的学生、老师、志愿者和我的父母/监护人.
  5. 我不会欺负、恐吓或取笑我的同学.
  6. 即使他们犯了错误,我也会同意鼓励他们.
  7. I will respect my fellow students, instructors, 志愿者 on the job site, equipment and property.
  8. 我将按照我的意愿使用营地工具,而不是作为武器或破坏财产.
  9. 我不会偷窃或损坏任何人的财物.
  10. Weapons of any kind (including firearms and knives intended as weapons) are not permitted on 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院 campuses, 或者参加任何学校批准的活动或营地.
  11. 性行为不端/性骚扰是禁止在任何M州立校园. Campers are encour年龄d to report any instance(s) of 性ual misconduct/harassment/violence as soon as possible to Camp Director Brooks Pederson.
  12. I will contact Camp Director Brooks Pederson or HBA of F-M ahead of time if I'm going to be absent or late.
  13. 我将尊重为我们制定的规则. 我明白任何违反本行为准则的行为都可能导致后果, 包括口头警告或开除赫迪纳建筑工场.

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